The Reader Appreciation Award (an almighty thank you)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – what keeps me writing this blog, even more than my love of writing and books, is the amazing (and growing) group of readers who not only read my posts, but like and comment on them and join in some great conversations.

With this in mind, I am touched to have two other blogs nominate me for the Reader Appreciation Award, as I have received nominations from both The Obscured Dreamer and J. Keller Ford, both fantastic blogs that I strongly recommend you visit if you haven’t yet come across them in your travels through the blog world.

As is quite often the case, the rules for this award differ slightly in the two interpretations I have seen (and I will probably break the rules anyway). As always, you need to link back to the blog that nominated you, include the picture of the award, and then nominated six more bloggers (I think I’m going to nominate a fewΒ lot more for this one).

In one interpretation of the award you’re also supposed to mention what you’ve been up to lately. Geeze, where do I start? I guess with my health returning I have finally returned to work full time, and have found myself darting around doing all sorts there, working with some fantastically intelligent students who need to be challenged and pushed to new levels (I find myself so impressed and excited by these kids), as well as working with younger kids than I am used to (as we have a primary/junior school right next to the high school). Outside of this, I have been spending a lot of time with friends, listening to a lot of new music (speaking of which, I’ll update my music listening page after I publish this, for those of you interested), bracing myself to catch up on my 12 novellas challenge somehow, as well as trying to catch up with my reading. Oh and I’ve been watching a lot of Ross Noble’s latest stand up comedy DVD, which has three discs, six shows and hours of extras – the total running time is nearly twelve hours, which in itself is quite funny. If you’ve never seen this man’s comedy, you really must (he has a channel on Youtube called the Ross Noble Channel I think, full of clips from one of his Australian tours a few years back). His shows are completely unrehearsed and unscripted, and insanely funny – I dare say he is one of the most talented stand up comedians in the world at the moment (he is hugely successful in the UK and Australia, but I don’t know about outside these countries).

Okay, now on to the readers I would like to pass this award on to. I am deeply grateful to all my readers of course, but these readers I am nominating have been extra amazing, commenting on my posts regularly, and being highly supportive of my blog as it grows.


Green Paw-Paw

Books Speak Volumes

The Tiger’s Eye

January to December

Diane’s Stories Site


Books and Bowel Movements


Eternal Domnation

Storyteller In The Digital Age

Roshrulez’s Weblog

The BookBimbo Chronicles




Arab Writer Chick

Book Club Babe

The Courage To Adventure Blog

Paint later, a painter’s blog



A. J. Jenner

Friffle Thoughts

Minute descriptions of me *Kristopher*


50 Year Project


Tracie Louise Photography

Unblocking My Mind


Robin Coyle

…and of course the two lovely ladies who nominated me for this in the first place!

There are so many more blogs I could nominate for this, but I will stop there. If you haven’t visited these blogs, please do as they are all amazing. And if you have ever stopped by my blog, even only once or twice, or if you have liked or commented on anything on my blog, thank you, because you are awesome and you have in someway contributed to the continuance of this blog! I appreciate all of my readers, every single last one of you!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! It’s raining here so I think it’s time to curl up with a book.

49 thoughts on “The Reader Appreciation Award (an almighty thank you)

  1. Reader’s appreciation? Thanks! I feel appreciated. πŸ˜›
    That’s not saying much, though. There’s a reason a lot of us love your blog. As long as you keep writing, we’ll keep reading. Deal?

    Psst. I know which album is going to be up on the music page. πŸ˜‰

    • Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say! It still amazes me, even though I have garnered quite a mountain of awards now, that people think so highly of my blog. I’m very lucky. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you very much for including me on this incredible list! I am so happy to be part of the blogging community, I only hope to contribute as much as I receive. This is a tall order given the talented bloggers I follow such as yourself. Appreciation is a two-way street, so like Tanya said as long as you keep writing, we will read, like, and comment! Happy Jubilee weekend to you, and thank you again!

  2. Congratulations on the award! πŸ™‚ And thank you so much for nominating me! πŸ™‚ You just made my day!

  3. It’s always a pleasure when you drop by & comment on our blogs so it’s no surprise to me that you got this award! Thank you for nominating me, too! I enjoy reading your blog as much as I enjoy your comments on mine! It always makes me smile, no matter what the topic. πŸ™‚

    • Glad to hear! πŸ™‚ And not a problem about nominating you, you are always in the top few commenters on my blog, I think your name was one of the first that jumped out at me when I was deciding who to nominate. I appreciate your comments immeasurably. πŸ™‚

  4. Thanks loads – you truly deserve this and I hope you keep up with your blog even as you get busier. It lights up my day when I see a new post from you πŸ™‚

    • Naw, thank you, that is such a sweet thing to say! πŸ™‚ I will definitely keep my blog up, I am a busy body by nature and am only really happy when I am run off my feet being busy (though this may be part of why my health crashed on me a couple of months ago, but still…). I have a few ideas of things I want to do on my blog in the future, so it will definitely keep going. I can’t believe I’ve only been blogging 5 months, it feels so much longer than that, but in a good way. πŸ™‚

  5. Pingback: Wonderful Readers! | mywithershins

  6. Pingback: The Reader Appreciation Award – Just Made My Day! « Roshrulez's Weblog

  7. Twelve novellas, oh my! Read Train Dreams! I want someone to review it. And I’m happy to hear youre back to work and saving for a grand adventure, I’m sure.

    • Yeah, I know, I’m a lunatic trying to write twelve novellas. I’ve already promised myself that next year the only new things I am going to write will be a novel in November for NaNoWriMo, and something in April – I’m thinking of giving Script Frenzy another go but writing a different kind of script (last time I wrote a screenplay). The rest of 2013 will be dedicated purely to editing and rewriting the better stories among the 12 novellas and also the better of the (what will then be) 4 novels I have written. I also want to enter more short story comps next year. Geeze I’m too ambitious sometimes, it’s no wonder my health went sour a couple of months ago bahaha.
      And okay, I will try and remember to add Train Dreams onto my next book order. Remind me, nag me on Twitter so I remember (my memory is dodgy at the moment haha).
      Thank you, it is nice to be back at work again, my life finally feels like it’s returning to normal. People are even saying “oh, the real you, the happy, silly you, is back now.” πŸ™‚

  8. thank you sooo much! I am just lucky I stumbled upon your amazing blog to read and look forward to the new posts. I will update my blog and be sure to put a big section telling why people should read your blog as much as I do. πŸ™‚

  9. Pingback: Safe haven « Victoria-writes

  10. Thanks for the award. And my apologies for not commenting sooner. I’ve been in and out of town and I’m doing my best to catch up. I always love your content so it is fun to comment. And congrats on your award!

  11. Pingback: Awards « Arab Writer Chick

  12. Pingback: The Reader Appreciation Award | The BookBimbo Chronicles

    • Ahhh hello stranger! Good to see you back on the blogosphere again! πŸ™‚ I’ll read your post in a little while. I have been well – busy, but well. Hope you have been too! πŸ™‚

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