Bookish nerdiness

So, as you may have guessed from the general theme of my blogs, I like books. So I thought I’d post a few quick pictures up of my book nerdiness, to show off just because I can, and because I like to share this kind of thing with fellow book nerds and bookworms!

The Great Gatsby Mug

This is my awesome mug based on the Popular Penguin edition of The Great Gatsby, one of my favourite classic novels. I was using this at the school I teach at quite a lot towards the end of last year.

Bookshelf 1

This is one of my bookshelves. As you can see, quite a lot of classic books and anthologies reside on this bookshelf. I’ll award super smartie points to anybody who can actually tell what these books are without zooming in (and more so if you happen to own them). Towards the bottom of the bookshelf are my collection of books on neurology, and a number of books on history, music and other things.

Bookshelf 2

This is my other main bookshelf. This one tends to hold more modern literature. The fantasy books are on the top shelf, comedy is mostly in the middle shelf, history on the second bottom shelf. Again, points to whoever recognises any of these books as being in their own collections!

I have more books and more nerdy bookish things than this, but many of them are away in boxes somewhere. I will dig them out one day soon.

Anyway, that’s all for now! Happy reading/writing/someotherthirdthing. 🙂